Originally developed by legendary coach Greg Glassman, CrossFit workouts consist of constantly varied functional movements executed with intensity. So what does that mean?  CrossFit is a fitness program that will help you reach your health and fitness goals regardless of your ability.  First, don’t be intimidated! People from all walks of life start at every level, and that means you can too.  Workouts are based on functional movements – the type of movements that we all do daily – and each workout can be tailored to your fitness level and ability.  The biggest misconception about CrossFit is that it’s elite fitness for athletes, but at CrossFit XA we believe it’s elite fitness for everyone!

CrossFit is Constantly Varied

Constantly Varied

This simply means that every day is different. Our workouts will challenge you in different ways, using different movements, and different muscles. The result? A stronger, fitter, you!

Functional Movements

These are the movements that we do every day like pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting, running, etc. The more we do these movements efficiently, the easier they become.
Meet Our CrossFit Certified Coach

High Intensity

The not-so-secret sauce! Not only are we doing strengthening movements but we’re constantly moving from one to the next – building strength, cardiovascular, and muscular endurance.